Monday, December 7, 2009


"But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you," (Mathew 5:44)


  1. Oh, my goodness, JAN, that is to cute!

  2. Give that baby a hug from me! I love little fur babies! They give you unconditional love and bring joy to our day.
    Your bag is too cute on the last post.
    Great job!
    Blessings as always

  3. Is that ever the CUTEST little thing I've ever seen !!!!! Give him belly rubs and a big smooch for me !!!!

    P.S. as always.... glad you stopped in for a blog visit ! .... and I hear ya on the lack of Christmas decorating mojo ..... now, of course if a bunch of elves came by and put it all up and then took it all down after New Year's Day I'm sure I'd have lots of mojo !!!!

  4. Correction: I mean Dolly. I guess Miss Molly, up there in heaven, was whispering in my ear.
