....... made by "special request :)" Not too overly exciting unless you're from the great State of Tennessee, a/k/a God's Country; but if you do happen to be from there, your blood most likely runneth orange!
I've had this "TN fabric" for at least a decade and a half and I've got yards and yards of it, so I imagine there's apt to be some more "TN Totes" in my future :) I already used oodles and oodles of it in my very first quilt, which happens to be a "cathedral quilt" and one that Mr. Gene adores. I'll have to share that one with y'all someday.
What I don't have a lot of is the "orange stars," which is a shame cuz I do really like it! I doubt I could ever replenish it though cuz it's old as the hills too!
I had a bit of trouble with the outside pocket, so I'm not overly thrilled w/the fabric placement ... it should have been turned the other way for a better contrast. I wanted it the other way so bad, I made a second one; and I'll be a son of a gun if I didn't do the same thing the 2nd time, so I threw in the towel and went with it.
I'm happy that I've finally granted that "special request," and it's off to TN to it's new owner :) Hope she likes it!
"He said: "Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's. ... You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you." (2 Chronicles 20:15-17)
I played hookie from work on Friday and went to our annual Quilt Show (Quilting by the Sea) and had a glorious day despite my sore foot! Sooooooo much inspiration and lots of "traditional" quilts, which are my favorite :) My Sister-in-Law, Betsy, joined me and was in Heaven surrounded by all the gorgeous creations ... she's not a quilter "yet," the key word being "yet!" I do believe it's quite possible that she becomes one soon :) Anyway, without any further adue, here ya go ... some "eye candy :)"
This first one happened to be one of Betsy's favorites :) Little houses on stilts and lots of palm trees ... real South Florida style!
This lady found a creative way to use up all her left over strips!
This one in person got a great big "oh my gosh," as it was gorgeous! Reminded me of a "story book quilt."
Would you look at that detail! Incredible!
This one really caught my eye in person ... the colors were just lovely!
Ohhhh and I adore "wool applique quilts." I must make one someday.
This one had the cutest little "dragon flies" on it.
And I adored this one! All those waves just made me feel good all over!
A machine embroidered beauty that appeared to weigh a ton!
Not only did this lady hand piece and hand quilt this entire thing, but she also cut out all the pieces with scissors! Can you imagine!!!
The colors in this one drew me in :)
The Best of Show and deservedly so! It was exquisite!
Just loved this red, white and blue pineapple!
And my absolute favorite ... this "homespun hearts!" I'm not overly crazy about the border, but I adore the rest of the quilt. I've been collecting "homespuns" for several years, and I must make this quilt! Ohhhh will I live long enough for all of my "musts!"
This was a cutie patootie!
And the border and sashing fabric on this beautiful red work was the absolute perfect choice. It was stunning.
The picture of this one does not do it justice ... it was soooooo pretty in person; and the lady who made it said it was the only way she survived having her Mother-in-Law living with them for 5 years (LOL).
Another applique beauty :) So much love, patience and talent!
There were lots more ... 150 of 'em to be exact, but I didn't get pictures of all of them. Perhaps next year :) Hope you enjoyed!
"When God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work -- this is a gift of God," (Ecclesiastes 5:19)
I got the nicest "thank you" in the mail from my Sister-in-Law's Sister, Kristy! She sent it for the "Rainbow Tote" I made for her back in the Fall ... she actually mailed her "thank you" in the Fall too. One of our guys must have carried in the mail one day and put it on my Honey's desk cuz it got lost in all of his paperwork until just a few days ago when it re-surfaced ... 6 months after Kristy sent it! Believe me when I say it's quite "dangerous" to get lost in Gene's office!!!!!!!
She included a "Gift Card" from Joanne's ... wasn't that nice ... and I spent it on this :)
A new sewing basket for the living room :)
I needed it desperately. Up until now, I had been trying everything but the kitchen sink ... tupperware, bread baskets, wood boxes ... you name it; and none of them felt right. Needless to say, I'm thrilled to pieces that this does "feel right;" and little Dolly Darlene agrees :)
She's growing up don'tcha think! She was actually 7 months old on Saturday and she weighed in at 2 pounds 9 ounces at the Vet last week. I'm happy to report that on command, she "sits, lays, speaks, kisses, and bounces in the air when you say popcorn," the latter of which is hilarious! She's also an awesome "fetcher" and let's go of her toy when you say "drop it!" Now if I can just figure out how to get her to shake hands and roll over! They are both prooving to be a tad bit more difficult.
If you're reading Kristy ... thank you so much my dear and God Bless you :)
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." (Phillippians 4:4-8)
OK, let's see if Blogger is gonna let me "upload" today!
Awwwww, there it is! A picture and proof that I have been making a bit of progress with the hexies :) Actually, I think I owe Blogger an apology cuz I think the culprit was my CD! It must have been corrupt or something ... being the stubborn type of gal that I am, I kept trying the silly thing the other day. Convinced it was Blogger or possibly my machine, I put that CD in another computer here at the shop and had the same issue, so the CD it was!
Anyway, the hexies are definitely a very, very, VERY slow process; but I'm really loving the "scrappy" look to this "Grandmother's Flower Garden." I keep wondering how big it'll be ... it really depends upon how far my stash and scraps will take me I guess. Time will tell ... lot's of time I'm sure (LOL); but I can say that so far, I've barely scratched the surface of my stash and my scraps, so I'm hoping it'll grow by leaps and bounds in the days, possibly years, that follow :)
I had to go to the Doctor this week cuz my ankle has been giving me fits for several months now ... after the eposide with the floor base lamp on Sunday, I threw in the towel and made an appointment cuz I wasn't able to function very well with two problem feet! I kinda wish I didn't go tho cuz would you look at what that silly man put on my foot!!!!!!!!
And all because of the achilles tendon! Who would have thought that such a small body part could be the nature for this monstrosity! The daggone thing must weigh 10 pounds; and I feel certain it was created by a man cuz if a woman had been involved, I surely would have had some more colors to choose from! I'm not the most graceful woman on the face of the Earth either, so trying to maintain my balance in this thing is prooving to be quite difficult; but I shall overcome it ... I will not allow it to win :)
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!
"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (Phillippians 4:13)
Can you say "frustrating!" An understatement really cuz I'm about ready to throw this computer as far as I can throw it! I was all prepared to show you all the progress I've made with the "hexies." Then I was gonna show you the "queeelted" "Quilts for Kids" quilt and the scrumptious cake I made over the weekend ... then last, but certainly not least, I was gonna show you my swollen, black and blue big toe! The culprit of the latter??? Well that would be a 10 pound floor lamp base. Can you say "dammmmnnn!" That's exactly what I said when that silly thing landed on my foot Sunday afternoon bringing me to tears; but since I can't get one single picture to upload, you will just have to envision all of the above ... at least till I can get Blogger to cooperate once again!
In hopes of maintaining at least one ounce of sanity, I must walk away from Blogland now ... wishing you all a lovely kind of day as I head back to work; and if you're a Blogger, may all your pictures upload like they're supposed to :)
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)
These goodies came in the mail from my friend Debbie and absolutely made my day! Would you look at that adorable fabric and OMG on those red leather "button handles!" I've never ever seen anything like them. If you double click on the photo to enlarge it, you'll see a black button in the center of those adorable flowers, along with two little holes directly above the flowers on the strap; and you simply sew the straps on like you would a button! Isn't that ingenious!!!!! I can't wait to make a new tote or a purse out of this "lovely surprise :)" Thank you so much Debbie ... much love and many hugs to you my dear :)
Now on to another "lovely surprise!" This one came a while back from my friend Janet ... she actually started making this adorable little "patchwork puppy" the very day she heard that we were loosing our precious Miss Molly back in November; and this little cutie arrived in our mailbox just a few short days later! Isn't it adorable :) God Bless you Janet ... you my dear warmed my heart with your thoughtfulness :)
I took both of these pictures on Sunday, which was an absolutely gorgeous day in our neighborhood ... not a cloud in the sky ... just pure blue in every direction! One of those days in SFL that if it could be bottled up and sold, we could solve world hunger!
One of God's greatest blessings is the "gift of friendship" and I am so grateful for the friends in my life :) One very dear old friend who left this world many years ago used to say "A Friend is like a melon, shall I tell you why? To find a good one, a dozen you must try!"
If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! (Ecclesiases 4:10)
Married to my wonderful Husband, Gene, for 35 years with one beautiful Daughter, Michelle Darlene (Micki) in Heaven. Loving her and missing her every day since she left us 3-1/2 years ago. She courageously battled Crohn's Disease for 23 long years and she continues to inspire me each and every day. Gene has been battling severe multi-level spinal stenosis for 5 years now, but he's always in good spirits in spite of it. I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer on 7/9/10 and it's been one heck of a ride ever since. We learned that it had spread to my brain in September bringing me to Stage IV; and I had the amazing "Gamma Knife" procedure, along with a surgery to install a shunt in my brain. God is sooooooo good cuz He has surrounded us with an amazing amount of love and support from sooooooo many wonderful folks. We have a little 3 pound munchkin ... a little Yorkie named Dolly Darlene; and she basically rules our little castle. I'm a gal in love with Jesus and quilting is what keeps me sane in this journey that we call "life." It is truly my passion!!!